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Official Plan and Amendments

The Oxford County Official Plan describes the Township's and County Council's policies on how land in Zorra Township and Oxford County should be used. It is prepared with input from you and your fellow citizens and helps to ensure that future planning and development will meet the specific needs of your community.  
An official plan deals mainly with issues such as:  

  • where new housing, industry, offices and shops will go
  • what services like roads, watermains, sewers, parks and schools will be needed
  • when and in what order parts of your community will grow  

Changing the Official Plan 

An official plan amendment is a formal document that changes the Oxford County Official Plan. Changes may be needed because of new circumstances in the community or because of requests made by property owners.

If you want to use your property or develop it in a way that conflicts with the OCOP, you will need an amendment to the plan. You should talk first to County Planning staff. They can let you know if the change is possible, what problems you might encounter and how you should apply.

When you apply to amend an official plan, you are required to submit information which is prescribed by minister's regulation as well as other additional information which the municipality may require about the amendment. The more information provided, the less likely delays will occur in the review.  

For further information, please visit the Community and Strategic Planning Office Official Plan section on the County of Oxford website.