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Township Council

The present Zorra Township Council was elected for a four-year term running from November 2022 to November 2026. Zorra Township has four wards and each ward has its own Councillor. Comments or concerns may be directed to your local Councillor by phone or email. If you're not sure which ward you live in, review the ward map. You are also welcome to direct comments and concerns to our Mayor.

Zorra Township Council meets in regular session on the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am and the third Wednesday of the month starting at 6:00 p.m. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 163 Brock Street, Thamesford. Meetings are open to the public.  Agendas are posted on the Township website on the Friday before each Council meeting. 

Anyone wishing to a make a delegation to Council, or to submit a public comment request, must fill out a Delegation/Public Comment Form on the Township’s iCompass portal. Any questions about Council delegations or public comments should be directed to the Township Clerk by email or phone 519-485-2490 ext 7228.

Public Comment Period An individual wishing to appear as a delegation under Public Comment Period, to present comments to Council on an item on a public agenda, may submit a written request, including the item on the agenda they request to speak to and any written material, to the Township Clerk no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Council meeting. There shall be a limit of four (4) public comment delegations per Council Meeting. Any written material received shall be forwarded to council upon receipt. Individuals speaking to an item on the agenda shall be limited to not more than three (3) minutes. The Township Clerk shall notify Council of any Public Comment scheduled prior to the commencement of the meeting. Council will not ask questions or enter into a debate or discussion on the subject matter of the delegation.

Click here to review the Council Achievements from our 2014-2018 Council.

Click here to review the Council Achievements from our 2018-2022 Council.

A Message from Mayor Ryan


We strive to make Zorra better by doing our part, and I hope you’ll join us.  Zorra works hard to be vibrant, engaged, environmentally conscious, and economically prosperous.

Zorra offers an exceptional rural lifestyle.  Our location allows residents and businesses to enjoy a small village atmosphere with abundant green space, easy and fast access to big city amenities and large consumer markets, all while enjoying the advantages of living next to your farm neighbours.

Explore the local businesses, festivals, recreational opportunities, and community groups and find your own way of doing your part.

Check in on the website, follow the Township on Facebook or Twitter, phone or email Staff or Council:  we want to hear from you.

Join us and add to your community by doing your part!

Marcus Ryan
Mayor, Township of Zorra
Office Phone: 519-425-2338
Fax: 519-485-2520 (Zorra office)  
Send email to Mayor Ryan

image of Marcus Ryan

Ward 1 Councillor

image of Kevin Stewart

Kevin Stewart
Cell 519-808-7839
Send email to Kevin Stewart

Ward 2 Councillor/ Deputy Mayor

image of Katie Grigg

Katie Grigg
Home 226-268-4495
Send email to Katie Grigg

Ward 3 Councillor

image of Paul Mitchell

Paul Mitchell
Home 519-349-2271
Send email to Paul Mitchell

Ward 4 Councillor

image of Crystal Finch

Crystal Finch
Cell 519-532-9037
Send email to Crystal Finch

Council meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month starting at 9:30 a.m. and the third Wednesday of the month starting at 6:00 p.m. In the months of July and August, Council meets once a month at a time decided by Council. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at the Township Municipal Office at 163 Brock Street, Thamesford. Map it using Google Maps website

Occasionally, special meetings of Council may be called. Notice of special meetings will be posted on the Township website.

Township Council is the elected governing body of the municipality. Township of Zorra Council consists of the Mayor and 4 Councillors, one elected to each of the 4 wards in the Township. Members of Council are elected for a four year term of office. The current term began on November 16, 2022 and will continue until November 15, 2026. 

Council has legislative and executive responsibilities for conducting the business of the municipality. Council must deal with broad based matters such as policy direction that influences future growth and development, and they must also make decisions on more specific, immediate issues affecting the day to day operations of the municipality. Township Council is responsible to all the citizens of the Township and must weigh each of its decisions with this in mind. Councillors are responsible to their local constituents under the ward system; however, they must carefully consider the concerns expressed by all parties. The goal of Council is to keep the decision making process as transparent as possible to meet the needs of the entire community and act in the best interests of the Township as a whole.

 Council meetings are open to the general public. There is a seating area located in the Council Chambers for members of the public to observe the meetings. Members of the public are asked to refrain from addressing Council members during the meeting. Members of the public are invited to participate in the meeting during the Public Meetings session when matters related to land use planning or drainage works are scheduled or by contacting the Clerk by 12:00 p.m. on the day prior to the meeting to speak to an item on the Council agenda.

Council is required from time to time to adjourn the public portion of the Council meeting and move into a Closed Meeting session.  Members of the public will be asked to leave the Council Chambers during this time period.  A closed meeting session is required for Council to discuss a variety of issues that could include: the security of the property of the municipality; personal matters about identifiable individuals including municipal employees; proposed or pending acquisitions of land for municipal purposes; litigation or potential litigation: and matters relating to the consideration of a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

In most cases, citizen concerns can be resolved by Township staff. If the appropriate municipal staff cannot resolve your issue, they can usually provide advice about the appropriate next steps to take, one of which could be to appear before Township Council as a delegation.   
Anyone who wishes to make a presentation to Council is required to make an appointment by contacting the Clerk who will advise of the best date and time to make a presentation. If there are multiple delegates wishing to address an issue, the Clerk may encourage them to select one spokesperson to present their views within the allotted time frame. Any documentation to be presented should be delivered to the Township Office by the Wednesday before the the meeting for inclusion in the distributed Council package. Delegations are permitted to speak for only 15 minutes, but may extend their speaking time with the permission of Council.

Anyone wishing to speak to an item on a published agenda may do so by contacting the Clerk no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Council meeting. Delegations speaking to an agenda item shall be limited to three (3) minutes and Council will not ask questions or enter into a debate or discussion at this time, on the subject matter of the delegation.

As a delegation, you should not speak disrespectfully of any person, use offensive words, speak on any subject other than the subject for which you have received approval, disobey any decision of the Mayor, or enter into cross debate with other delegations, staff, or Members of Council. 

For more information about Council Delegations, please contact our Clerk at 519-485-2490 ext 7228.

The Integrity Commissioner is an independent and impartial position that reports directly to Council and whose powers and duties are set out in the Municipal Act, 2001. The Township of Zorra Council has appointed Mr. Robert J. Swayze as Integrity Commissioner for a term of 2023 to 2026.

Responsibilities of the Integrity Commissioner include:

  • Investigate complaints and alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council.
  • Review the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and make recommendations on an annual basis.
  • Keep officials aware of the requirements of the Code of Conduct
  • Provide written or oral advice to individual members of Council regarding general interpretation of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
  • Serve as an advisor to individual Members of Council in relation to the Code of Conduct and any procedures, rules and policies of the municipality governing ethical behaviour, and act as a proactive educator for Council, Administration and the public.
  • Provide reports to Council.
  • Provide individual investigative reports, as required, which will include background concerning a complaint and recommendations to Municipal Council with respect to a complaint.

Complaint Process

  1. A request for an investigation of a Complaint that a Member has contravened the Code shall be sent directly to the Integrity Commissioner by mail, email, fax, or courier and shall be in writing. A completed Code of Conduct for Council Complaint Form, setting out the evidence in support of the allegation, must be included.
  2. All Complaints must be sent by an identifiable individual.
  3. A Complaint shall set out reasonable and probable grounds for the allegation that a Member has contravened the Code of Conduct and shall include the name of the Member, the provisions of the Code allegedly contravened, the facts supporting the allegations, the names and contact information of any witnesses and contact information for the complainant.
  4. Municipal Council may by motion file a Complaint or request an investigation of one of its Members.

The Integrity Commissioner shall report to the Complainant and the Member generally no later than ninety (90) days after the investigation has been commenced. If the process takes longer than ninety (90) days, the Integrity Commissioner shall inform the Complainant and the Member and provide an estimate of the expected time.

Contact Information

Robert J. Swayze
Integrity Commissioner
20736 Mississauga Road
Caledon, ON L7K 1M7
Tel: 519-942-0070
Fax: 519-942-1233

Election Blackout Period

No investigation shall be commenced or continued, nor shall the Integrity Commissioner report to Council respecting an investigation, within the election period described within Section 223.4 of the Municipal Act, except as described in those sections.

According to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, all meetings of Council and Boards must be open to the public. A meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter falls under one of exemptions of the Act.

Any person or corporation may request that an investigation of whether a municipality or local board has contravened the provisions of the Municipal Act or the Municipal Procedural By-law for meetings or part of meetings that are closed to the public. All requests for closed meeting investigations must be submitted using the Closed Meeting Investigation Form and can be completed digitally or a hardcopy version can be requested at the Township Office. The identity of the requestor will be treated confidential by the Municipality and the Investigator, unless authorization is given by the requestor to release his or her identity. 

For assistance regarding a closed meeting investigation, please contact the Township Clerk, Karen Martin by email or by telephone at 519-485-2490 ext. 7228.

Closed Meeting Investigator

Section 239.2 (1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, authorizes the municipality to appoint an investigator who has the function to investigate in an independent manner, on a complaint made to him or her by any person, whether the municipality or a local board has complied with Section 239 or a procedure by-law under Subsection 238 (2) in respect of a meeting or part of a meeting that was closed to the public, and to report on the investigation. The Closed Meeting Investigator for the Township of Zorra is Mr. Robert J. Swayze. Mr. Swayze will take complaints regarding closed meetings directly from the public or forwarded by Township Staff.

Contact Information

Robert J. Swayze
Integrity Commissioner
20736 Mississauga Road
Caledon, ON  L7K 1M7
Tel: 519-942-0070
Fax: 519-942-1233

Complaint reports

The Township of Zorra is committed to sharing the outcome of investigations into complaints about accountability and transparency matters, as per Section 239.2 (11) of the Municipal Act, any reports will be posted here.