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Mayor's Chain

mayors chain of office

The Township of Zorra's Chain of Office was designed by Chief Administrative Officer Don MacLeod and presented to Mayor Margaret Lupton during the 2006-2010 Term of Council. It is worn by the Mayor during Council meetings and as well as any other events officiated by the Mayor. The chain includes the following features:

  • The Township of Zorra Crest which was designed in 1975
  • The 10 Canadian Provincial Crests
  • Date of Incorporation January 1, 1975
  • Names and Terms for every Zorra Mayor since incorporation

It was Mayor Lupton's husband, Charles Lupton, who originally had the idea to have a Chain of Office designed for the Township. CAO Don MacLeod ran with the idea and designed the chain himself. The Chain was built by local Ingersoll company Coyle and Greer. The Chain was to be presented as a surprise to Mayor Lupton during a regular session of Council. Mr. Lupton made many phone calls to ensure that many local residents and friends were at the meeting for the surprise. He managed to get Mayor Lupton off to the Council meeting, then hurried to get dressed and pick up several other people on his way to the meeting himself. Mayor Lupton remembers pulling into the parking lot and wondering what agenda item had brought so many people out to this Council meeting. She was even more confused to see so many familiar faces in the Council Chambers. When the time came, CAO MacLeod announced and presented the Chain of Office, and it was Charles Lupton that first placed the Chain around Mayor Lupton's neck. Mayor Lupton wore that Chain at every Council meeting and other events she officiated as Mayor until the end of her 2018 term. Mayor Ryan proudly wears the Chain of Office now when representing the Township of Zorra.